!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf shipwreck | public | 29 players | 2020-10-31T20:58:01.461Z

2programer14200.7022% Russian Federation
2apf14280.5023% Australia
1oldhead20270.74122% Australia
1(&)Tagliatelle16180.89025% France
0*<]:)GoT)vis*RS53252.12051% Serbia
0TheGreatReset34271.26135% Australia
0Samarrah24181.33033% Sweden
0Bruhmaster24241031% Russian Federation
0TrollZA9140.64015% Japan
0acolarh8110.73025% Denmark
0pizza8180.44018% Germany
0KRL03000% Russian Federation

1TrianG35211.67041% Latvia
1zakurwiacz21260.81021% Russian Federation
1Crypto-Chief13270.48112% Australia
1(&)Cannelloni12190.63014% Russian Federation
1C19MonsterWave380.38016% Germany
0Valis72312.32253% Germany
0Lenge23260.88020% Sweden
0El38|Spectrum21250.84024% Russian Federation
0B@dMonkey20250.8217% France
0maxsuper18200.9021% Russian Federation
0murdog12170.71122% Australia
0coobtoo01000% Italy
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