!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf core_transfer | public | 22 players | 2020-10-25T18:23:27.902Z

3Perussola24211.14125% Italy
2MacRond13121.08020% France
1Kim27251.08032% Switzerland
1LFWhite1133.67023% Russian Federation
030037103.7024% New Zealand
0[BOOF]B00PHY20141.43120% Australia
0ARCH(&)Tortelli99109% Slovenia
0Rmn350.6033% Slovenia
0Шyxeвич00000% Ukraine
0Pooper-12-0.510% Australia

1...19111.73026% France
0B@dMonkey27241.13121% France
0zeruela7190.37020% Russian Federation
0Star2k205230.22016% Lithuania
0XD~21206% Germany
0stigman2210.115% Australia
0Oord120.509% Australia
0|RB|K00000% France
0CocaineJesus01000% Germany
0Ken0bi02000% France
G>F-o-X France
Meheeco Mexico
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