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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf campo | public | 14 players | 2020-10-25T17:03:59.154Z

5|LaTn|Edux19290.66017% Japan
2Шyxeвич15220.68023% Ukraine
2G>F-o-X13300.43119% France
1FixittixiF46291.59130% Germany
1[RUSS]julia42152.8031% Russian Federation

1Poppic17210.81219% Germany
1bruh4270.1518% Germany
0RedBullBrother73145.21153% Sweden
0Meheeco35251.4131% Mexico
0(&)Paccheri35261.35131% Sweden
0B@dMonkey780.88023% France
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