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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf gubo | public | 27 players | 2020-10-24T19:21:47.906Z

4J24191.26225% United Kingdom
2<J4F>Sahadar25131.92234% Russian Federation
1acolarh21290.72022% Denmark
1EndTheLockdown17250.68126% Italy
1ARCH(&)Tortelli10330.316% Slovenia
1SegaPluto230.6705% Australia
0TrianG51192.68240% Latvia
0B@dMonkey30211.43223% France
0Poppic11190.58413% Germany
0Winston6290.2113% United Kingdom
0(&)Tagliatelle450.8016% France

2xpplus11210.52113% Chile
1Kopatel23250.9214% Russian Federation
1XD~20350.57124% Germany
1Ag!19250.76236% Germany
1Шyxeвич19300.63125% Ukraine
1[POOP]Pasta5170.29012% Australia
0murdog30241.25034% Australia
0(&)Gemelli20230.87216% Italy
0f(x)19280.68423% Germany
0GalacticLampOil02000% Australia
0[Deb]wu'oldirty08005% Chile
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