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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf berlin_wall | public | 23 players | 2020-10-14T18:55:26.396Z

1pslpgw33113056% Australia
10_020161.25029% United States
1Winston20250.8016% United Kingdom
1Atheist641.5020% Germany
0TrianG1892138% Latvia
0El38|Spectrum1443.5029% Russian Federation
0B@@L_4ever12130.92121% Germany
0Tajik10190.53114% Japan
0Wolfman751.4014% India
0porteavion140.2505% France
0ironbobo140.2505% United States

1|RB|__FRY__24102.4119% Russian Federation
1Popovic21171.24019% Germany
1[nF]Mero7200.35014% Switzerland
030024151.6024% New Zealand
0=Laggy-Jumpper=16131.23025% Japan
0VujTeraWombazia13190.68022% Australia
0FUCKBOY9000790.78023% United States
0Assistakk6200.3210% Serbia
0Szabika_lsd5210.2419% Serbia
0|LaTn|Edux00000% Japan
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