!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf mbt1 | public | 14 players | 2020-10-14T11:06:59.040Z

4McBench23191.21025% Germany
4MacRond8310.26112% France
3JAZZOCC23231020% Germany
1Lenge62163.88041% Germany
0manjaro24181.33118% Germany
0paklet1181.38126% United States
0(&)Capellini9120.75121% Kazakhstan
0Reapaz9180.5023% Germany

2[neverFall]Mero7280.2518% Switzerland
1Popovic19280.68117% Germany
1Lord_Furioso18230.78122% Germany
0checkit33201.65021% New Zealand
0Pro.D.gaL422030% Australia
0your_mother03000% Germany
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