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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf suburb | public | 19 players | 2020-10-08T17:00:28.011Z

1demilune8150.53025% France
1Prezes321.5037% Russian Federation
0|RB|__FRY__51173033% Russian Federation
0makh10150.67011% Uganda
0AlphaCentaurus9240.38013% United States
0Ferrari812super6200.3020% Italy
0a_theory450.8030% Australia
0James230.67050% Germany
0xddddd07015% Germany

1Kopatel32181.78029% Russian Federation
1maresnest22151.47016% Croatia
1Zoli13270.48044% Hungary
0AlfredHugecock25171.47021% Germany
0=DK=Щülюгc2273.14045% Germany
0iDiot10160.63017% Germany
0Elias2210.104% Germany
0ares123456702000% Germany
0VaRLıGıM-YeTeR02000% Turkey
VujTeraWombazia Australia
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