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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf akroseum | public | 19 players | 2020-09-23T18:07:53.620Z

1Noobee29221.32025% Serbia
1EndTheLockdown21220.95032% Italy
1KRL(RUS)10170.59017% Russian Federation
1CHeaP-NoteBooK9220.41013% Turkey
0obi_de57193036% Germany
0LeBlanc36113.27040% France
0Briareos10130.77014% Mexico
0Holgiwood780.88026% Germany

1Popovic19220.86124% Germany
1Ukr5270.19214% Ukraine
0Samarrah42251.68039% Sweden
0Unmanned30221.36123% Russian Federation
0CaravanOfLove670.86024% Germany
00_0570.71026% United States
0CMB5230.22210% France
0Zoli4200.2013% Hungary
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