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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf campo | public | 24 players | 2020-09-20T17:04:45.682Z

2(&)FoieGras28310.9430% France
1SHIELD60302240% Hungary
1CocaineJesus13140.93018% Germany
1[nF]Mero13280.46319% Germany
0(&)Baguette56301.87040% Australia
0EDDING25310.81036% Germany
0Someone23211.1021% United States
0%15220.68218% Turkey
0CORONA!!7220.32211% Russian Federation

0potera56272.07230% Romania
0ROH2F36331.09126% France
0newguy27360.75028% Australia
0Ukr21330.64021% Ukraine
0ЪУЪ_CЪУKA18240.75030% Ukraine
0(&)Gnocchi971.29016% France
0Chief_Nick9290.3109% Australia
0YAKARY370.43013% Russian Federation
0Otto380.38021% Germany
0(&)Spaghettoni150.2010% Bulgaria
0Horst00000% Germany
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