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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf haste | public | 26 players | 2020-09-15T20:23:52.555Z

2lee-wales-uk30261.15240% Italy
2|LaTn|Edux25290.86023% Japan
1CHAKALL34181.89128% Bulgaria
1Gladiator26241.08125% Germany
1Blak_Rata15270.56028% France
1TheKing441028% Turkey
0fatmonkeygenius65282.32040% Germany
0Winston25350.71025% United Kingdom
0QWERTY|SPAIN19240.79116% Germany
0Matrix7230.3313% United States

0fractal38231.65131% Italy
0Dormouse21380.55218% Italy
0unconscious16210.76026% Australia
0irun14290.48219% United States
0superhans10120.83117% Croatia
0FredTheRed10240.42319% Italy
0Skissoo9110.82021% Italy
0thelonious404050% Sweden
0xpplus101050% Chile
0(WU)oldirty00000% Chile
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