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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf mbt4 | public | 16 players | 2020-09-12T10:33:50.258Z

2lsv11200.55026% Ukraine
1JAZZOCC30241.25029% Germany
1ICC|cubelibre27231.17130% Italy
0L1ra30241.25036% Germany
0xGreeNx350.6019% Russian Federation
0ghostrider2210.1016% India
0smallHorror2290.07015% Australia

1Samarrah43172.53040% Sweden
1opfer27251.08033% Sweden
1Major10240.42124% Hungary
1Grummel5180.2819% Germany
0Kopatel1081.25132% Russian Federation
0-NC-angst951.8020% Sweden
0SVTVN-212-0.17018% Russian Federation
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