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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf forge | public | 26 players | 2020-09-11T22:01:31.612Z

2pslpgw39231.7042% Australia
2legend25241.04120% Italy
19tailscat95243.96053% Russian Federation
1iDiot22260.85027% Germany
1LollaBunny531.67015% Bulgaria
0J43301.43031% United Kingdom
0B@dMonkey24320.75221% France
0Crystal_Lab23300.77223% Australia
0Major20250.8031% Hungary
0(&)Lanterne991121% France

1CHAKALL26241.08124% Bulgaria
1TingTong20280.71116% Slovenia
1pizza12410.29110% Germany
1Mia9280.3216% Germany
1Briareos8240.33010% Mexico
1apf4150.27016% Australia
0oo|nemex56331.7135% Germany
0Zoch32330.97026% Switzerland
0Honeypot27300.9023% Italy
0313310.42021% Australia
0FurzKanone551023% Germany
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