!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf forge | public | 20 players | 2020-08-23T15:21:03.194Z

2Crash22330.67115% Germany
2a_fat_midget20250.8114% France
2makh12150.8112% Uganda
2mad.cat12260.46012% Czech Republic
1.80223.64156% Italy
0EvenSerieus8120.67018% United States
0KRL(RUS)6140.43018% Russian Federation
0Manu(Pfälzer)00000% Germany

1Nix41351.17034% Germany
1UNTAMED17320.53121% Australia
0(&)Amstrad_GX4k22310.71025% Germany
0Brassens14111.27238% France
0Wollmilchsau1171.57045% Germany
0emmagemma9170.53015% Germany
0Hamburg52651.2035% Germany
0Ua3120.25013% Germany
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