!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf bt_falls | public | 18 players | 2020-08-09T02:36:27.067Z

3Crossfire42162.63123% Australia
1mayolaptop24201.2121% Australia
1neckpillow21111.91123% Germany
1Phantomas14230.61033% Mexico
0jordan9150.6025% Australia
0mengel6250.24019% Germany

1Seffl15151022% Germany
0[tBMC]bensocket37231.61034% Australia
0turtlehead22230.96024% Australia
0JOSH18121.5019% Australia
0Fucker14160.88028% Japan
0dwitmp000sH10250.4115% Australia
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