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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf tempest | public | 18 players | 2020-08-08T17:31:40.072Z

3st30103133% Russian Federation
1_fly20141.43032% Germany
1ASDV-PCD-dei2110.18022% Mexico
0demilune34191.79031% France
0porteavion11150.73013% France
0delato6190.3208% Romania
0(&)Gemelli522.5038% Italy
0MacRond202066% France

2Toranaga14200.7018% Switzerland
0Penfold25161.56134% Germany
0FURGAL15180.83021% Russian Federation
0jSr9180.5018% Russian Federation
0opus651.2028% France
0Wolfman5160.31116% Italy
0Vulpes202022% Russian Federation
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