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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf garden | public | 18 players | 2020-08-02T11:11:00.285Z

3Thecube12170.71034% Switzerland
3ElMuerto6120.5122% Germany
2[RUSS]julia43123.58040% Russian Federation
1demilune19230.83026% France
1Stalin17171024% United States
1bin_schon_tot14170.82029% Germany
0XD~03000% Germany

1Momo45231.96052% Germany
1MacRond15240.63015% France
0(&)Amstrad_GX4k17161.06024% Germany
0TingTong15250.6013% Slovenia
0WF[CATALONIA]1081.25015% Russian Federation
0Vulpes3180.17010% Russian Federation
0Jerry2200.106% Germany
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