!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf haste | public | 20 players | 2020-08-01T17:58:38.060Z

4Mero|tee|13200.65017% Germany
3[RUSS]Messer15190.7905% Russian Federation
2\/20171.18121% Germany
2MacRond11140.79116% France
1|DM|trackpad72135.54057% Australia
1old_scorpion17220.77019% Germany
1******asdf12200.6035% Hungary
0Abdolban30231.3125% Russian Federation
0Yoda29132.23029% Sweden
0EvenSerieus280.25020% United States

0JustMe27241.13237% Australia
0tuta26221.18029% Serbia
0Gato_Rabioso20270.7419% Germany
0On17250.68120% Russian Federation
0(&)Pici16270.59021% Germany
0Popovic8110.73221% Germany
0dumper7310.23113% China
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