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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | Germany

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insta_ctf tejen | public | 27 players | 2020-07-23T18:36:41.835Z

2LAGAJAGA10200.5014% Japan
1/-_-\Pebsi12320.38126% Italy
0Pro.D.gaL53271.96137% Australia
0B@dMonkey32261.23331% France
0Ghtrye21270.78118% France
0On19320.59121% Russian Federation
0peugeot20618220.82227% Croatia
0Dragan16400.4130% Germany
0porteavion9180.5014% France
0+KMLbazz-7170.41111% Jamaica
0apf5150.33018% Australia
0Crowd>sata470.57121% Russian Federation

1bnmou22330.67031% Czech Republic
1covid207110.64025% France
0YoMomma72243040% Portugal
0Zowie38251.52236% Germany
0BUZZ2683.25028% Italy
0Maisels_Weisse26280.93223% Germany
0shitbagshwty33313111.18046% Australia
0(&)Spagbol570.71023% Italy
0ji120.5020% France
0[RUSS]John-117130.3307% Russian Federation
0*<]:)GoT)vis*RS00000% Serbia
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