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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf fc5 | public | 12 players | 2020-07-14T01:11:59.337Z

4[tBMC]bensocket23131.77041% Australia
3nozoomer54183054% Russian Federation
1KMLbazz7160.4407% Jamaica
1FrootLoops1120.0803% Mexico
0movingWall680.75020% United States
0Snape360.5119% Russian Federation

2vastrdoz36172.12042% Australia
1|LaTn|Edux17290.59118% Japan
1EvenSerieus9240.38018% United States
0BubbingScrubble15190.79030% Australia
0[BOOF]SirBOOPHY8230.35015% Australia
0(&)Stelline02000% United States
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