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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf face-capture | public | 27 players | 2020-06-05T15:22:36.252Z

5wall-e30261.15046% Germany
3-NC-Panda58272.15042% Germany
2-NC-Cerez59292.03038% United States
2Winston23430.53024% United Kingdom
2imdumb2340.06110% Italy
1yourFEAR36241.5139% Germany
0MerguezPartie14160.88125% France
0UkrainaForever13480.27127% Ukraine
0[fr]Green>F-O-X7240.29014% France
0Mero|tee|260.33015% Germany

1(&)Pennoni47351.34033% Australia
0PeasePudding43341.26340% Italy
0Popovic34341123% Germany
0Vulpes28132.15052% Russian Federation
0324250.96146% Australia
030016101.6132% New Zealand
0Sergik@mac16410.39016% Italy
0gersomm7140.5113% France
0ji02000% France
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