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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf face-capture | public | 18 players | 2020-04-23T11:35:21.374Z

4wall-e22141.57131% Germany
3AbRaCaDaBrA33301.1141% Kazakhstan
2SemiDrunk28251.12120% Germany
1QWERTY|SPAIN46192.42049% Germany
1Shag29132.23037% Thailand
1Mr.1%Bln21250.84018% Germany
0Kamel11101.1127% France

1Mac-rond27430.63143% France
0ouch52361.44052% Germany
0(&)Tagliatelle15280.54020% France
0x86_6412180.67048% Australia
0Twisted4120.33011% Russian Federation
0XD~130.33121% Germany
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