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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf snapper_rocks | public | 24 players | 2020-04-22T18:22:25.586Z

3-NC-Andreas60193.16235% Greece
3st7434201.7027% Russian Federation
130023191.21015% New Zealand
0ghoul10340.29017% Italy
0KRL890.89036% Russian Federation
0(&)Gnocchi7170.41015% Dominican Republic
0(&)Spaghettini6190.3209% Sweden
0SnoopDogg5160.3126% Germany
0tox00000% Russian Federation
0Enatrix00000% Russian Federation

1JAZZOCC44241.83030% Germany
1leloup15210.71122% Australia
1(&)Fedelini4290.1415% Russian Federation
0Blak_rata17250.68120% Russian Federation
0Slash14811101.1023% Japan
0FlaskStealsRL340.75035% Russian Federation
0Ken0bi130.33012% France
0MuhKuh1200.05010% Germany
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