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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf mach2 | public | 22 players | 2020-04-20T18:09:45.549Z

4porteavion10140.71018% France
3[fr]Green>F-O-X5130.38015% France
2tox18141.29020% Russian Federation
2wlkn1691.78030% Australia
1Dazed23161.44037% Germany
1Brazenrod3100.3028% Australia
0(&)Garganelli34231.48027% Italy
0=DK=hamon31112.82044% Germany
0"ASSIL"....021013% Algeria
0LollaBunny-1029-0.34111% Bulgaria

3JAZZOCC36231.57035% Germany
2(&)Tagliatelle15180.83035% France
1Murrr723.5053% Germany
0Cuddle|BradPitt24171.41024% Germany
0niinistö17220.77027% Finland
0MuhKuh8200.4127% Germany
0Bossanova651.2129% Italy
0Mero|tee|680.75026% Germany
0addixn470.57012% India
0hybrid340.75025% Russian Federation
Olle-Knolle Germany
Ken0bi France
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