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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf haste | public | 27 players | 2020-04-20T12:21:28.609Z

1Hector31201.55014% United States
1dikan21250.84019% Turkey
1UkrainaForever16360.44032% Ukraine
1Corallini(&)15280.54120% Russian Federation
1|RB|saper8200.4112% Russian Federation
0*<]:)GoT)vis*RS64282.29148% Serbia
0Stockbrot48232.09123% Germany
0Caffein23211.1223% Japan
0FlaskStealsRL751.4020% Russian Federation
0konichiWAAA370.43014% France
0i_kick_cheaters-13-0.3310% France

130021300.7117% New Zealand
0egg69262.65352% Italy
0tuta51301.7035% Serbia
0Enatrix23280.82320% Russian Federation
0RansomSubject1234048% United States
0cookiecorn10110.91216% Germany
0(&)Garganelli9100.9025% Italy
0russia7200.35116% Russian Federation
0alf5270.19212% Russian Federation
0(&)Stelle3170.1817% India
0gersomm212022% France
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