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~ Rigatoni Rugby ~ | Germany

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insta_ctf akroseum | public | 27 players | 2020-04-03T22:06:35.277Z

410101026320.81021% Germany
1razvan28261.08126% Romania
1Ladycat727251.08024% Slovenia
1pimp24231.04029% Germany
1IndyRef215190.79017% Italy
1FredTheRed12280.43123% Italy
0w00p|Aq91194.79054% Germany
0fatmonkeygenius6087.5044% Germany
0gbyte6180.3316% Russian Federation
0PaTo5160.31023% Italy

1wall-e20400.5024% Germany
0Aryanne69223.14147% Hungary
0blackeagle_190337311.19139% Germany
0unnforg25310.81127% Latvia
0Sgt.Uwe19310.61023% Germany
0Metalliko12340.35016% Russian Federation
0maxim3210.1409% Australia
0BigBuffyBoy85270.29016% Australia
0(&)Pennette1200.0506% Greece
0baute342031013% Russian Federation
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