!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:> Rigatoni Rugby <: | Germany

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insta_ctf asgard | public | 19 players | 2020-03-23T21:01:08.854Z

3Janitor780.88013% Germany
2Dragan8190.42022% Germany
2Chief_Nick790.7808% Australia
0|RB|__FRY__51202.55035% Russian Federation
0unbekannt27132.08036% Germany
0break2483034% Russian Federation
0movingWall18131.38027% United States

2|LaTn|Edux11270.41011% Japan
0(GoT)vis*RS*hpp28171.65048% Serbia
0...11190.58033% France
0Lustig9210.43023% Germany
0Unix7210.33012% Japan
0Kopatel441066% Russian Federation
0SHoOtToDeF470.57013% Germany
0Starzec01000% Russian Federation
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