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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | France

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insta_ctf face-capture | public | 20 players | 2018-01-04T19:26:16.802Z

5Creamhead24270.89117% Germany
3[tBMC]Duke74302.47143% United States
3ICC|cubelibre33261.27026% Italy
3conebone790.78020% Germany
1Buzz27191.42234% United Kingdom
1pb130.33025% Germany
0sellu21320.66021% Finland
0xyz160.17012% Germany

3razvan62331.88036% Romania
2wall-e24530.45035% Germany
1deadlift8270.318% Germany
0(&)Conchiglioni21121.75051% Belarus
0XD~12200.6015% Germany
0mashline221040% United States
0Girughi_7505000% Italy
0(&)Funghini-37-0.4300% Italy
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