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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | France

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insta_ctf asgard | public | 19 players | 2018-01-04T19:15:46.260Z

2Creamhead21121.75019% Germany
2[tBMC]Duke20131.54032% United States
1Tourist20181.11018% Germany
1ICC|cubelibre1653.2030% Italy
1WhiteCrow1691.78030% Germany
0razvan16131.23131% Romania
0Hegel6220.27019% Brazil
0deadlift170.14014% Germany

1Darczx8190.4207% United Kingdom
0wall-e7160.44024% Germany
0sellu3170.18020% Finland
0Buzz1010100% United Kingdom
0gzorro140.2506% Italy
0XD~150.208% Germany
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