!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | France

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insta_ctf face-capture | public | 18 players | 2017-12-27T11:13:08.884Z

7Winnetou12220.55020% Poland
6CHAKALL12150.8017% Bulgaria
4EDY5130.38115% India
2vaQ'Fear82165.13053% Germany
2AlexDelPiero22131.69029% Italy
1dropbox8190.42110% Greece
0Alex480.5018% Netherlands

1Stinkybob15280.54017% United Kingdom
0admiralkuznecov28251.12027% Russian Federation
0{camper}dkfl-5121171.24121% Russian Federation
0tuta1334.33034% Serbia
0XD~12180.67122% Germany
0printquotehello4160.25021% United Kingdom
0Zabiatko2100.2116% Poland
0bannad2150.1305% Germany
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