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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | France

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insta_ctf haste | public | 21 players | 2017-12-26T12:09:37.733Z

5MuhKuh15210.71024% Germany
3Ashley21220.95031% Serbia
1Maqx16260.62134% Germany
0Nix44231.91041% Germany
0Stinkybob24181.33023% United Kingdom
0ratzfatz2182.63032% Germany
0tiralerio942.25042% Poland
0diego5190.26017% Uruguay
0Starcatcher03000% Switzerland

1bukutis680.75031% Lithuania
0AlexDelPiero41251.64047% Italy
0didisan30271.11138% Germany
0Koндpк29300.97129% Serbia
0una13131028% Germany
0wall-e7100.7017% Germany
0krakatwas560.83019% Greece
0woozl422050% Italy
0bryancamacho3200.15012% Uruguay
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