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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | France

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insta_ctf duomo | public | 21 players | 2017-12-21T19:43:59.013Z

1ayat14150.93115% Iran, Islamic Republic of
1squiggle~8120.67018% United Kingdom
1born_to_kill3180.17021% France
0Trololo27122.25139% Belgium
0.12190.63013% United States
0SpaceDolphin11140.79025% United States
0Dragan490.44033% Germany
0HugeBone313050% Russian Federation
0Winnetou2160.13013% Poland

1J19171.12017% Belgium
1Julian3140.21111% Germany
0whyop3994.33050% Germany
0MugiwaranoKevin17131.31020% United States
0[CH]XGhost11150.73022% Switzerland
0Bonbaz4130.31013% Austria
0SIGI370.43013% Germany
0EvenSerieus240.5026% Netherlands
0Neutron-25-0.410% France
Zack Germany
julia Germany
vekt0r Egypt
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