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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | France

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insta_ctf akroseum | public | 20 players | 2017-12-04T16:43:14.312Z

2zacksharaf21280.75029% United States
2Bleons9160.56021% Austria
1razvan34201.7131% Romania
1pepperus20260.77022% Hungary
1|RU|Sukhoi19171.12123% Russian Federation
1BipolarDisorder8250.32218% Turkey
0Nix51212.43031% Germany
0Neko.31161.94037% Germany
0Maledictorian2082.5032% Germany
0Winston18240.75014% Belgium

4ElMuerto14240.58123% Germany
2Grandma34311.1022% Germany
1SHIELD36321.13131% Hungary
1revolve21201.05212% United Kingdom
0-NC-angst32261.23024% Austria
0WernerVoss20300.67015% Germany
0kacpolz13280.46119% Poland
0lilpeep13390.33220% United States
0Erzulo1025038% Austria
0your_mother00000% Germany
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