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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | France

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insta_ctf face-capture | public | 19 players | 2017-12-04T16:32:43.753Z

5Grandma57311.84038% Germany
4ElMuerto20390.51021% Germany
3-NC-angst47321.47335% Austria
2SHIELD56321.75034% Hungary
2pepperus10150.67015% Hungary
1razvan42411.02027% Romania
0duh150.2016% United States
0lilpeep00000% United States

2ICC|cubelibre29231.26025% Italy
1sa5m58252.32135% Italy
1Nix48202.4038% Germany
1kacpolz7320.22010% Poland
0WernerVoss14210.67023% Germany
0EricHelms12180.67017% Germany
0Winston7310.2309% Belgium
0BipolarDisorder6410.15010% Turkey
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