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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | France

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insta_ctf valhalla | public | 27 players | 2017-11-12T17:01:40.727Z

2Ist_schon_tot23181.28029% Germany
2[tBMC]bo20161.25018% United States
1LuckyLag19171.12028% Germany
1XD~18220.82034% Germany
0KondrK37152.47023% Serbia
0razvan31191.63029% Romania
0Fusselfrei12121148% Germany
0B@@l11111024% Germany
0ComradeGarry11120.92020% United States
0revolve10190.53011% United Kingdom
0FiRE_SKiLL_903751.4020% Germany
0CLEMZ5100.519% Belgium

1evilknivel8220.36116% Germany
0AlexDelPiero42152.8044% Italy
0murdog30112.73123% United States
0Snoopy22191.16035% Switzerland
0wall-e12280.43020% Germany
0lucas_8170.47023% Italy
0Bezwględność5110.45033% Poland
0ued4100.4112% Germany
0isidore_shandy2110.1805% Germany
0snipif140.25033% Switzerland
0lachlan-28-0.2520% Canada
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