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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | France

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insta_ctf gubo | public | 26 players | 2017-11-07T18:39:04.428Z

4Briareos36390.92127% Mexico
2ICC|cubelibre31291.07227% Italy
1thelonious48361.33144% Austria
1[RUSS]julia34390.87337% Russian Federation
1Mac-Rond18420.43222% France
1revolve14280.5414% United Kingdom
1makh4160.2525% Uganda
1Chief_Nick4180.2227% United States
0sa5m43104.3041% Italy
0Mrbit33380.87127% Italy
0unnamed26251.04320% Malaysia
0F00L3380.0834% Germany

3Kim22260.85228% Switzerland
1wtor39201.95441% Poland
1W124(UA)30370.81427% Ukraine
0a_theory35281.25231% United States
0putin34181.89357% Poland
0Dr.V3g4n25270.93012% Germany
076275335789823221.05234% Germany
0Kondrk16250.64221% Serbia
0loaf|Daemes15350.43019% Serbia
0maxsuper8150.53013% Russian Federation
0(&)Stringozzi00000% Peru
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