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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | France

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insta_ctf asgard | public | 33 players | 2017-10-19T18:59:37.300Z

3Mr.CSI:miami29181.61034% Germany
1hbk32211.52123% Romania
1rusty18171.06033% United States
1makh5140.36112% Uganda
0mr_muh35172.06049% Germany
0whyop30142.14042% Germany
0Guess_who17141.21126% France
0qxus13121.08120% Germany
0F00L10210.48116% Germany
0FoodStampJamal5160.31019% United States
0Zack01000% Germany

2Faust15200.75016% Norway
1DukeNukem36162.25032% United States
1Mrbit24221.09030% Italy
1CMB8210.38117% France
0Briareos21181.17031% Mexico
0ww|Springbok17190.89023% South Africa
0ZikaHunter1271.71050% Canada
0Kryptel881038% Italy
0[MVP]Billy_Dat6100.6016% Canada
0Little_Girl4260.15017% Germany
0FAP_TIME01000% United States
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