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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | United Kingdom

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insta_ctf urban_c | public | 27 players | 2017-08-18T17:17:00.697Z

2tox29201.45026% Russian Federation
1F!!!32221.45323% Turkey
1Christina_T1672.29225% Germany
0BroncoBamma57242.38041% Germany
0.rC|Terence50252037% France
0Ulla25141.79021% Germany
0Cami_elec22250.88022% Canada
0John_Lemon11180.61217% France
0ElMuerto9180.5121% Germany
0cble551017% Germany
0tobleroned590.56016% United Kingdom

0[RUSS]julia40271.48137% Russian Federation
0Dim24260.92123% Brazil
0ntt22250.88113% Finland
0jim94517350.49014% Russian Federation
0Perussola16340.47118% Italy
0horseMeat14330.42114% France
0EDY13220.59016% India
0AriKani12280.43114% Germany
0AZROD3609250.36020% France
0KiTA-X9320.28111% Slovenia
0Maledictorian350.6016% Germany
0NEKO190.1105% France
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