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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | United Kingdom

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insta_ctf kopenhagen | public | 25 players | 2017-08-18T16:56:03.405Z

2.rC|Terence38192038% France
1ntt23240.96024% Finland
1F!!!14220.64022% Turkey
0!s]jay20171.18031% United States
0Snoopy981.13132% Switzerland
0someoneElse8160.5026% France
0John_Lemon7140.5019% France
013_undead_sheep5100.5020% Germany
0gersomm460.67050% France
0pepperus00000% Hungary

2Perussola18141.29040% Italy
1BroncoBamma12101.2036% Germany
0[RUSS]julia41152.73045% Russian Federation
0yam19171.12048% Germany
0Cami_elec17220.77225% Canada
0tobleroned6200.3010% United Kingdom
0KiTA-X313060% Slovenia
0A-Tuna-Salad3150.209% Algeria
0mr.cube020120% Russian Federation
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