!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | United Kingdom

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insta_ctf tortuga | public | 19 players | 2017-08-16T21:55:05.134Z

1Mr.MagicMan20220.91120% France
1ICC|Gufo18171.06128% Italy
1JustMe15160.94015% United States
1J11160.69014% Belgium
0Sweeper68193.58057% Germany
0drew_boy2810120.83222% Canada
0xRyANx10150.67119% United States
0Toranaga6170.35024% Switzerland

0Grandma25251122% Germany
0li'lfluf21201.05025% Latvia
0pepperus18220.82027% Hungary
0Mafia13180.72028% United States
0|*|Xienfuegos9100.9120% Argentina
0Cami_elec7140.5019% Canada
0ZikaHunter6120.5135% Canada
0alienware00000% Dominican Republic
0BadAss01000% Germany
bluzz Germany
epimeteo Italy
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