!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | United Kingdom

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insta_ctf turbulence | public | 18 players | 2017-07-11T22:18:42.722Z

3-NC-Andreas31152.07027% Greece
2ČínskýBůhSrandy31181.72133% Czech Republic
2fumo-olie991125% Portugal
1Seamus19121.58032% Mexico
1Dog_Them10190.53117% France
0why44123.67151% Poland
0TheNoob10230.43019% Spain

1SmokeIt20280.71018% Germany
0ICC|Gufo29231.26039% Italy
0Crowd>a-monster1191.22033% Germany
0Spleezie8230.35111% Germany
0My_Left_Nut680.75040% United States
0x_x6190.32020% Germany
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