!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | United Kingdom

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insta_ctf face-capture | public | 23 players | 2017-07-11T17:21:55.012Z

3noo32311.03127% Greece
2putin37351.06139% Poland
1Seamus34350.97033% Mexico
1echtjetzt20420.48126% Germany
0srek_u68292.34334% Poland
0Atheist19280.68042% Germany
0POTUS18310.58121% United States
0BSD|HeinrichB13180.72032% Netherlands
0WeepingAngel1291.33024% Germany
0M4240.17113% Poland

2[RUSS]julia53222.41135% Russian Federation
2ElMuerto30420.71127% Germany
1JazzMan35271.3031% Austria
1daone29360.81133% Canada
0[RUSS]Sterlik43351.23026% Russian Federation
0ILAN27122.25043% Germany
0{camper}dkfl-5125231.09119% Russian Federation
0(&)Barbina22181.22130% Slovenia
0Homogensis21220.95029% Germany
0Thorongil9380.24117% United States
Kryptel Italy
CMB France
Dr.V3g4n Germany
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