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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | United Kingdom

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insta_ctf capture_night | public | 20 players | 2017-05-12T12:28:15.182Z

5lee-wales-uk17240.71126% United Kingdom
3Resort33251.32038% France
2ILAN10150.67216% Germany
2[zakora]dog4130.3108% United Kingdom
1Flint61252.44045% Germany
1WrongGuy49153.27036% France
1epimeteo24260.92026% Italy
1CHAKALL16210.76018% Bulgaria
0wanderer2555048% France
0Homogensis11290.38115% Germany

1Blue8240.33017% Australia
0irq49301.63062% United Kingdom
0GoldSnoutZ100K26270.96034% Germany
0Arctic_Nougat19300.63128% Germany
0Rolo19330.58126% France
0XD~13270.48013% Germany
0Mani13330.39116% Germany
0smud_chill12121235% Norway
0Ä11170.65126% Finland
Mick3y Kuwait
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