!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | United Kingdom

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insta_ctf hallo | public | 20 players | 2017-05-08T11:09:40.675Z

2ElMuerto22310.71026% Germany
2fury5230.22013% Germany
1wanderer54173.18041% France
1-NC-angst19161.19016% Austria
1sui8280.29012% Canada
0Mani17280.61036% Germany
0VoiceOfTruth13160.81126% Russian Federation
0conebone1262050% Germany
0[Rus]Sland7190.37018% Kazakhstan
0OMELETTE-15-0.200% France

0E...47153.13146% Romania
0Kopatel30231.3126% Russian Federation
0tuta29142.07024% Serbia
0untimed26211.24029% New Zealand
0CMB16220.73028% France
0Mac_Heusdress9280.32012% France
0ImaginePeace531.67031% Germany
0Mu130.3305% United Kingdom
0DUMBASS1230.0403% Lithuania
0GP8603000% France
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