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:: Rigatoni Rugby :: | United Kingdom

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insta_ctf akroseum | public | 19 players | 2017-03-03T13:52:17.348Z

2ueber40192.11043% Austria
2Orgo26300.87023% Russian Federation
2As'FilsDePute4220.1829% France
1didisan32221.45145% Germany
1Keizi18181013% China
0Serthur19240.79123% Italy
0ZouOu690.67019% France
0yourname522.5045% Spain

4Kryptel-Mint15230.65017% Italy
2Jassy10180.56112% Germany
1[RUSS]julia41182.28131% Russian Federation
1Costi_Romania13300.43128% Romania
0vaQ'Fear1853.6043% Germany
0ntt18190.95117% Finland
0@min13210.62020% Germany
0JustMe12210.57117% United States
0HackerMan541.25021% Romania
Springbok South Africa
addiXn India
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