!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf fc5 | public | 18 players | 2017-02-26T10:17:42.405Z

5Fritz_Fokker861.33053% Hungary
3GoldmanXLolly20102130% Germany
3ElMuerto11101.1028% Germany
2MikeyA8100.8018% Netherlands
0Django2573.57044% France
0PKMASTER13140.93018% Mauritius
0yhw832.67057% Poland
0sadkjadsdsadsal881027% Italy

0AladinOnE1553034% Germany
0ipt15200.75038% Belgium
0DunDee623024% Russian Federation
0Nix632037% Germany
0PatrickderBoZz4160.25017% Germany
0apf360.5020% United States
0XD-3100.318% Germany
0Serthur180.1304% Italy
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