!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf damnation | public | 21 players | 2016-12-28T11:06:12.879Z

3[RUSS]TrianG34142.43135% Latvia
3Fusselfrei19171.12230% Germany
2alphaloca24181.33031% Italy
2DeathKnight7150.47016% Hungary
1prolapseurethra26211.24027% New Zealand
0Milchshake3493.78240% Germany
0Ardvark15220.68025% United States
0blackdevil11180.61028% Austria

2{NoobInRage}29231.26027% Switzerland
2DiniMuetter15200.75018% Switzerland
1Dark*Star16260.62013% Brazil
1(&)Linguine11260.42017% Lebanon
0vincenzo9130.69020% Italy
0<J4F>Sahadar661141% Poland
0Penafore551019% Indonesia
0Its_K3vIn_PvPxx450.8133% Germany
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