!mpressive Sauer Tracker

C A L M P A R K | Germany

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insta_ctf authentic | public | 14 players | 2016-12-19T20:57:37.480Z

4SaintBaston23270.85029% France
3sa5m27122.25026% Italy
1doge35241.46027% United States
1Kryptel15230.65016% Italy
0vegeta21111.91035% Germany
0Reverze522.5022% Germany
0Rm|leowolf111020% Germany

2sudokillme21270.78127% Portugal
0apf13280.46016% United States
0raf11240.46220% Poland
0Vyktor9190.47120% Brazil
0va|Lucky824028% Australia
0Meteor431.33022% Germany
0BurningShadow06000% United States
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