!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf flagstone | public | 20 players | 2016-12-01T11:18:58.957Z

2SiempreAntifa24191.26129% Germany
1SaRaH25211.19039% Austria
1Kalypso10260.38022% Germany
1PulgosoFuriocho942.25031% Spain
0dBlink32201.6136% Germany
0Desara-30191.58037% Germany
0frontschwein230.67066% Germany

1Gameworm23221.05026% Belgium
1evil.lord.vader11230.48018% Poland
0va|Night_Hawk33152.2035% Australia
0Alty27271125% Latvia
0(R.H.S.)Noobi..15210.71026% Romania
0|EL|Taco01000% Australia
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