!mpressive Sauer Tracker

D E M O P H O B I A | Germany

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insta_ctf tejen | public | 17 players | 2015-08-28T22:23:40.000Z

2blunt26261023% Italy
2PROXIMACETAURI4220.1805% Italy
0pencil70252.8044% Germany
0squiggle19121.58027% United Kingdom
0|RU|Sukhoi1882.25026% Russian Federation
0Morales>>PL670.86033% Poland
0Guppy321.5037% United States
0420blazeitfgt240.5115% United States

0Cuddle|BradPitt33311.06026% Germany
0clan|name18270.67015% Croatia
0Faust12150.8019% Norway
0Mr.Anderson441021% United States
0hofoma553130.23112% Norway
0L3150.2018% France
0Daribo230.67021% United Kingdom
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