!mpressive Sauer Tracker

2FY |Open Server 4 | France

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effic_ctf forgotten | public | 12 players | 2016-08-20T15:56:43.021Z

3*R-A'nam3d18260.69319% Poland
2!s]Terminator43212.05029% Spain
1/BudSpencer17270.63117% Germany
1unnamed1591.67021% United States
0FatBustard9250.3619% Estonia
0infamous00000% Germany
0raffaele03000% Italy

3unnamed6280.21012% United States
2(ESP)Leo5150.3319% Sudan
1HippieHippo32291.1221% Indonesia
0va|taksu36301.2225% Indonesia
0paklet21310.68121% Australia
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